1995 - 1991/和田・小林研究室

東京大学大学院 総合文化研究科 広域科学専攻 生命環境科学系 (兼担:理学系研究科 生物科学専攻)

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Original Article






Reviews, Proceedings, & Books

  • Wada H, Gombos Z, Sakamoto T, Murata N (1993) Role of lipids in low-temperature adaptation. In Yamamoto HY, Smith CM (eds) Current Topics in Plant Physiology Vol. 8 (pp. 78-87), American Society of Plant Physiologists, Maryland.
  • Wada H, Gombos Z, Sakamoto T, Higashi S, Los DA, Heinz E, Schmidt H, Nishida I, Murata, N (1993) Fatty acid desaturation in cyanobacteria. In Murata N, Somerville C (eds) Current Topics in Plant Physiology Vol. 9 (pp. 67-78), American Society of Plant Physiologists, Maryland.
  • Murata N, Higashi S, Wada H, Sakamoto T, Macherel MH, Macherel D, Tasaka Y, Los D (1994) The cyanobacterial desaturases: Their structural, functional, and regulation aspects. In Kader JC, Mazliak P (eds) Plant Lipid Metabolism (pp. 3-8), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
  • Murata N, Wada H, Gombos Z, Nishida I (1993) The molecular mechanism of the low-temperature tolerance of plants studied by gene technology of membrane lipids. In Jackson MB, Black CR (eds) Interacting Stresses on Plants in a Changing Climate (pp. 715-723), Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
  • Murata N, Wada H, Nishida I, Gombos Z, Nishiyama Y, Hayashi H, Sakamoto T, Ishizaki-Nishizawa O, Higashi S (1992) The molecular basis for the acclimation of photosynthesis toward temperature. In Murata N (eds) Research in Photosynthesis: Proceedings of the Ixth International Congress on Photosynthesis Vol. IV (pp. 113-119), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands.


